Best Robotic Vacuums

Kim Suarez

Updated Oct 26, 2018

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Best Overall

iRobot Roomba 980

Best Runner-Up

Neato Botvac D7 Connected

Best Budget

iLife A4s

Best for Pet Hair

Samsung Powerbot R7070

The Best Robotic Vacuums Of 2018

9 Robotic Vacuum Considered 9 Top Picks
Name Rating Price Battery Life
iRobot Roomba 980 $899.99 <120 minutes of continuous cleaning
Neato Botvac D7 Connected $799.99 <120 minutes
iLife A4s $179.99 <140 minutes
Samsung Powerbot R7070 $499 <90 minutes
Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 930 $599.99 <110 minutes
iRobot Roomba 890 $499.99 <60 minutes of continuous cleaning
iRobot Roomba 960 $699.99 <75 minutes
Neato Botvac D5 Connected $499 <5,000 square feet
Shark ION ROBOT Vacuum R75 with Wi-Fi $349.99 >60 minutes of continuous cleaning


Like any new product category in the tech space, robotic vacuums have blown up in the market, with many different options available that have a lot of the same feature set. It may be confusing to understand which vacuum is best for your specific needs, so below you will find the top 10 robotic vacuums, each with their specialty. Before diving into the specific products, it's best to read through the top features to look for when buying a robotic vacuum, and the specifics within each.

Best Overall

iRobot Roomba 980 Check Price

The iRobot Roomba 980 was on most lists as the top robot vacuum. It connects easily with the iRobot Home App for smartphones and seamlessly cleans an entire floor, will not fall down stairs and will automatically return to it's charging port when the battery runs low. It's great for deep cleaning, pet hair and sweeping along walls. If you have an ample space to clean or are merely looking for a highly-rated robotic vacuum, the Roomba 980 is the best you can find.


  • Easy to use
  • Long battery life
  • Cleans well
  • Hassle free


  • The debris bin is small
  • Takes a long time to charge
  • Can be noisy

Best Runner-Up

Neato Botvac D7 Connected Check Price

With the ability to map out your entire house and build a floor plan to ensure proper cleaning, the Neato Botvac D7 Connected is a well-rounded, fully-featured robotic vacuum. Additional features include mapping for areas that need more cleaning as well as areas not to clean at all, multiple cleaning settings for eco or turbo speeds and 120 minutes of battery life.


  • Works well for pet hair
  • Ability to set up to three floor maps
  • Is very quiet


  • The laser can have issues
  • No-go lines only work for one floor map
  • Wifi can be glitchy

Best Budget

iLife A4s Check Price

Being significantly cheaper than most of the other vacuums on this list does not mean the iLife A4s is small in feature-set. With tangle-free rollers and a two-sided brush, the cleaning power is pretty impressive. And if you need to increase the suction power even more, use the included remote control to switch into Max mode. It should be noted that this vacuum is not suited for high-pile carpeting or very dark-colored floors.


  • Excellent customer service
  • Works well in all surface types
  • Very quiet on normal setting


  • Sometimes gets lost
  • Can get stuck under furniture
  • Overall quality is not great

Best for Pet Hair

Samsung Powerbot R7070 Check Price

What makes the Powerbot R7070 great for pet hair are a few key features. First, the self-cleaning brush detangles and removes hair that gets on the bristles. Second, the wide brush and D-shape ensures cleaning all the way up edges, ensuring no hidden pet hair gets left behind. Lastly, the multiple cleaning options, especially the Max setting, gives you the opportunity to clean each day depending on how much of a mess there is.


  • High suction power
  • Cleans quickly
  • Charges quickly


  • There can be app connection issues
  • Has mapping issues
  • Sometimes gets lost

Best for Bare Floors

Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 930 Check Price

With smart mapping technology allowing you to set what areas not to clean while also listing priority rooms for cleaning, the Ozmo 930 will ensure a satisfactory clean every time. What makes this vacuum especially unique is the ability to mop floors as well as vacuum, making this the top choice for bare floors. And don't worry about mopping carpets. The Ozmo 930 will stay away from carpeted areas during the mopping process.


  • Ability to choose mop dampness level works well
  • Map management on the app is easy to use
  • Excellent battery life


  • Can have issues with certain rugs
  • Does not tell you when the bin is full
  • Larger than other brands

Best for Carpets

iRobot Roomba 890 Check Price

With the CLEAN app connection, edge-sweeping brushes and Triple-Stage Cleaning, the iRoomba 890 is a tremendous all-around vacuum but excels on carpeting specifically. This is due to the advanced cleaning system, which uses tangle-free, multi-surface brushes along with air powerlifting suction that cleans five times better than iRobot's lower-end models.


  • Cleans well under furniture
  • Easy to use
  • Very effective overall cleaning


  • Gets lost sometimes
  • Misses spots
  • Wi-Fi gets disconnected

Best for Deep Cleaning

iRobot Roomba 960 Check Price

Using patented DirtDetect technology combined with the ability to get under most furniture, the Roomba 960 is the perfect solution for those looking for a deep cleaning robotic vacuum. The HOME app allows you to set a cleaning schedule, customize cleaning preferences and alerts you when cleaning is done or when the bin is full. And with the auto-adjusting cleaning head, transitioning from bare floors to carpet is easy.


  • Is easy to use cleans very effectively
  • Has a long runtime


  • Can miss spots
  • Is noisy
  • Has a small debris bin

Best Navigation

Neato Botvac D5 Connected Check Price

The Botvac D5 Connected features Neato's LaserSmart technology for accurate navigation and comes with two optional brushes, a Combo Brush and a Spiral Blade Brush, to ensure the right clean for your flooring. It also features a unique D-shape, which allows the vacuum to get into spaces round vacuums would not otherwise be able to. And depending on your mess, you can either use the quieter but less powerful Eco mode or, the stronger Turbo Mode.


  • The connected feature shows when it cleans and when it's done
  • Excellent cleaning quality


  • Can get stuck
  • Is very noisy
  • Filters on the vacuum are hard to clean

Best Voice Commands

Shark ION ROBOT Vacuum R75 with Wi-Fi Check Price

This vacuum features a self-cleaning, dual-sided brush, smart navigation and connected the app with Wi-Fi. However, the best part is the voice command compatibility with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Voice commands include starting the vacuum, pausing and returning to the dock. Once the 0.45-quart dustbin is full, cleanup is as easy as sliding out the pan, dumping it, and sliding it back in.


  • Comparable to more expensive vacuums
  • Navigates well in carpet and bare floors
  • Great for those with pets


  • Wifi can have connection issues
  • Customer service is not great from Shark
  • App is glitchy

Buying Guide

Price should be a determining factor when looking for a robotic vacuum. Ranging from around $130 to almost $1000, there are options at every price point, each with their pros and cons. If this is a product you intend to use daily over a long period, it may be best to spend the extra cash. However, the price is not the only determining factor when looking to buy a robot vacuum. 

Battery Life
This is an essential factor to consider if you have a large home or space you are looking to clean. If you have a large home, you'll want a vacuum with a long battery life. This way, you can ensure your space is cleaned in one charge, and you don't have to wait until the vacuum charges before it continues cleaning. 

Do you want to control the vacuum from an app? Do you want a voice-enabled vacuum? Or are specific controls not vital to you? The control feature-set will be determined by price, as the more expensive models tend to have these features, where the entry-level models will have simple remotes and interfaces. 

Home Type
The most important factor to consider, home type will narrow it down to the smallest grouping of vacuums to choose from. You should consider the size of your home, if you have hardwood floors and/or carpeting and if you have pets. You'll want to make sure to narrow down your options based on precisely what you will need this vacuum to do.

About the Author

Kim Suarez


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About the Author

Kim Suarez


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